2025 Board Nominations Formal Notice

   The National Association of Publicly Funded Truck Driving Schools (NAPFTDS) is giving formal notice to all members that NAPFTDS will hold elections for its Board of Directors at its 2025 annual conference. The conference will be held in Daytona Beach, Florida.

   In 2025, terms of three Full Member Directors will expire (Richard Monroe, Marion Technical College; David Inman, Northeast Tech; Dan Zdrojewski, Milwaukee Area Technical College).  These three positions have terms of 3 years and are voted on by the Membership as a whole (Full and Associate members only).  Executive Board members must comply with Article VII Section 1. Also, on the Executive Directors, Lorie Latigo will move to the Immediate Past President position – moving Donnie Tulk into the President’s position; therefore, opening the Vice President’s Position.  This position has a term of 2 years

   If you are interested in being considered by the Conference/Nominating Committee as a candidate for the NAPFTDS Board of Directors, please submit your ‘Applicant Statement’ to the NAPFTDS Office via email cmoffet@napftds.org, via fax 316-425-3297, or by mail to: 11511 Bekemeyer, Wichita, KS 67212.

   If you have any questions regarding the process, please feel free to contact the Chairman of the Conference/Nominating Committee Martin Garsee, office 713-718-8203, mobile 713-304-8324 or email martin.garsee@hccs.edu.

All submissions must be received no later than January 30,2025.